Detox and Cleansing at The|Tides Wellness
This subject is so important that understanding it and taking it to heart, can lead to a complete transformation of your health and well-being.
Many health care providers use the term “detoxification” for a number of methods and practices that range from fasting to using healing herbs to improve the body’s internal ability to remove waste. Natural medicine practitioners usually focus on improving the function of the bowel and of the liver, which is the other important organ for internal cleansing. In this approach I use the term “cleanse” because I encourage a gentle approach. The term “cleanse” is used to describe a middle road of gradual, but long term internal cleansing by means of a process of enjoying healthy foods, simple teas and tonics, powerful nutrients and stress relief practices.
Detoxification can mean many things to different people, like withdrawal from drugs or alcohol, fasting therapy, colonic therapy and other methods. I believe in the benefit of starting out slowly. I prefer to expand the focus from just “cleanse,” meaning elimination of toxic waste, to cleanse and “renew.” This is the other side of the coin where we nourish the system and encourage regeneration as well as eliminate toxic congestion of the internal organs. The answer to creating health often is found in taking stock of what we are doing instead of adding in something new.
Modern culture encourages us to add in something new to increase energy or to relieve aches and pain. Taking a vacation from some specific food or eating pattern gives our body an opportunity to recharge itself. The body is able restore balance without any outside help. We think of a vacation as a way to renew ourselves. We are able to create a fresh start and a new outlook on life in a pleasing environment with a schedule free of stress. We can get our creative juices flowing again and get back in touch with the real priorities in life.
Most of us understand what is meant by self-renewal, but many of us think of cleansing as something that is done only to the surface of the body. Cleansing internally can also be used to refresh our body and mind with long-term benefits for total health. One traditional way of internal cleansing is too fast. Should we start a fast? Well, not so fast!